June Reading
Well, we have officially finished June!
If you're looking to join the discussion, head on over to the forum and I've posted up questions on both books. Looking to get the long promised podcast up between today and Sunday. Outside that, July reads are available for anyone wanting to hang out another month. I wasn't super into Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, made my way about 70% or so through the book, pretty much never got overly involved.In case you missed my review on Goodreads, basically, I just felt like it was a little pretentious. I think some people like books that are written that way, in my opinion, because they like to feel really important reading them and others because they like to act as if the book makes a bunch of sense to them when all the sense is really just bullshit and words pulled from a thesaurus. I personally never really felt like the story had much meat, I mean, the bones were there, definitely the pages, plenty of damn words, but most them just fell a bit limp for me. To much spaghetti, not enough meatball, know what I mean? I like historical fiction usually too! Especially stuff in the general time period of this, but none of the characters, for me, had any real substance. I mean, the initial sequences with Stephen Black, left me thinking...WTF is even going on and why? I have been given zero reason to care about this whatsoever. Which, just isn't my style, I like to be deeply involved and connected with characters and these were all pretty bland. I can't say I particularly cared if any one lived or died or just stopped being in the story altogether. So, as soon as July 1 hit, I stopped listening to it and made audible take the book back. Hello credit, you can be put to better use.
Anyway, I think it goes without saying

I already knew I loved this series and since it's finished, that's why I picked it. I'm so glad others are enjoying it as well. I can't wait until we switch gears a little in Liveship and am interested to see how many of you will survive the Rainwilds! I have refrained from starting
As for this months reading,
I took a little more time researching my stand alone pick, Uprooted. I felt pretty sure I'd enjoy it and I picked something a little shorter. Thus far, I have been pretty satisfied, thank goodness! I'm about 40% done with it now. Not too keen on the reader, but if you're doing hard copy I expect it will be a quick and easy read. Looking forward to seeing opinions on it. If any of you wrote reviews for the books from June, I'd love to get the links and anyone can feel free to tag the book club in reviews so we can get more participants!!Until this weekend, I swear, I'm really going to post that podcast.....really...really really....
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