Assassin's Apprentice
So, I finished Assassin's Apprentice yesterday.
Which means I'm going to start Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell today. I've had some people message me on Goodreads waiting to hear my thoughts on the book so I am excited to get started. However, since I just finished Assassin's Apprentice I am also in a state of longing to start Royal Assassin. All in good time though. I don't want to rush ahead of anyone following along and that book really isn't supposed to be read until July....which it technically isn't even June yet. *LOOONNNNGG SSSIIIIGGGHHHH*I have another book to read in the mean time that is outside the book clubs, so I'll have to go through that as well before I start Royal Assassin.
Anyway, I'm going to post up a podcast about my thoughts from Assassin's Apprentice,

Since I have a great interest in peoples writing processes I wish I could quiz Robin Hobb a bit about the subject. As I mentioned, I noticed so many little things in the story that over time had greater importance. I know some writers follow the philosophy of just sitting down and writing then working backward, but others keeps meticulous notes and track developments throughout stories. I haven't really looked into it by listening or reading interviews or anything, but I do wonder what her process is.
So, onward and upward with the reading.
I am hoping to have that podcast up over the weekend, somewhere between Friday and Sunday. I actually have zero plans this weekend which is pretty rare for me, so I'm thinking sooner rather thanlater. I need to jot down some talking points but then I should be good to go. For now, if you are reading along and want to chat, lets talk about what you think of all the dimensions of Galen. I have some opinions on how a lot of what creates the problems in this books has to do with the treatment of bastards in general and his particular lineage is one of the major revelations in the story I feel.
Until this weekend! Please come back and give me a listen!
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